vKonnect India Media & Research




AQ WE 2021-22

  AQ W E 2021-22

Our website is: https://konnectindiamedia.in/

W E summit aims to shine the light on Millions of Women who are making a difference around the world and we are inviting all to connect and let’s make it happen.!

W E is a women empowerment summit organized by VKonnect India Media annually. W E summit works as a catalyst in acquainting the emerging or established women leaders of our time with the global dynamics of the corporate world. We spread the canvas for women pan-India to showcase their ideas and opinions that could add many streaks to the conventional approaches to diverse fields. We play a platform that welcomes women from different walks of life to share their experiences and exchange concepts to create a new knowledge base. Women are dominating in many spheres from sports to theoretical physics to creative arts such as movies and music. Women entrepreneurs of today are chartering unknown territories unabashedly and fearlessly. leading in e-commerce, education, investment banking, Food & Beverage, travel, fashion, retail, fitness, hiring, and anything and everything. The program appreciates women personalities from various sectors of healthcare, business, education, and social activism. We would be recognizing the women achievers of our society, Women who have excelled in their personal & professional life facing all the odds of society. We recognize the pioneering achievements of today’s women, each forging the path for others to make their mark. Unwavering in our cause, we celebrate the unabashed contributions of women in business and society, learning from those who came before us, and lifting up those who follow after. Women who are taking charge with acumen and unbridled enthusiasm to change the world around them, give life to revolutionary ideas, identify the unknown problems and seek solutions that have never been sought, fight diseases and social norms, run successful ventures and generate employment for many, educate, and give rise to new sustainable ecosystems, W E is giving them recognition and gratitude. 

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